The season finale of 'Criminal Minds' - while a serial murderer is running about Los Angeles doing unspeakably nasty things, the guest detective cries out, "Why is he doing this?"
I'll tell you why - because, like I argued in my first post, the writers are either too stupid to think up another way to ask about a killer's motive, or... there's a conspiracy afoot (and has been for a long time)... I tell you someone's getting paid royalties every time that phrase is uttered (and it's uttered a freakin' LOT). I lost track of all the times I've groaned hearing that in the past few months... Even brilliantly written shows sneak it in: (LOST - while Richard Alpert is chained in the Black Rock's cargo hold and all his fellow prisoners are being stabbed to death, he has to yell out, 'Why are you doing this?' Again, really? Would you say that at that point, knowing you were next? Maybe one day we'll hear... "Oh, you gave me a good answer. Great then, go ahead and kill me."
Eh. Whatever...